December 11, 2009, Newsletter Issue #81: Simple Content Management

Tip of the Week

To make site maintenence easier, try separating your design from your content. You can do in the most basic way by using "Include files". Include files are files "included" in your main pages - for example, you have your index.asp file that has your layout outline... your tables, stylesheet links, etc. Where you need your content, your text.. images, etc., you actually have a pointer to an included file that has all that in it, OR database calls to a table that contains that information. The reason? When the time comes to update the text, the images, etc., you wont have to plod through all your design html to figure out where that one line of text is that you need to change. Also, when you need to redesign a site, the content can stay the same, and not be tampered with while you make your site design changes. Include files are nothing new - many sites use include files to reuse code - for footers, headers, navigation, etc. For an example, see and a good resource for more information is here:

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