Web Development Links

WebDevelopment Tip Book
ASP and Web Development
Common Website programming languages
Commonly Used ASP Objects: Request.Form(Element)[(Index)|.Count]
How do ASP pages work?
What are Active Server Pages?
What are Include files?
Close those objects!
Close those objects!
Content Management Tips
Simple Content Management
Simple Content Management
Extending your CMS: Don't Fear the Redesign
Extending your CMS: Go Global!
Extending your CMS: Personalize Their Experience
Extending your CMS: Syndicated Content
Extending your CMS: User-Friendly Search Engines
Taking Content Management Further
The Benefits of Content Management: Implement Workflow
The Benefits of Content Management: Keep it in One Place
The Benefits of Content Management: Share the Workload
The Benefits of Content Management: Template Create Consistency
The Benefits of Content Management: Version Control
The Downside of Content Management
What is Content Management?
Custom Web Site Design Tips
Defining Design Requirements: What do you like?
Defining Design Requirements: What is your brand?
Defining the design requirements for your website development project
Don't over-do it! There is such a thing as too flashy!
Finding website developers and designers. The web is your friend.
How to choose a company to help with your website
Illustration, Photography or Clip Art – So many choices!
The pros and cons of hiring freelance
Types of websites: Community
Types of websites: Personal Diary
Why should I hire a web desiger?
Don't clutter your page
Ecommerce Web Site Development Tips
Extending your CMS: Integrate Your Content into Other Web Applications
Types of websites: E-Commerce
User Acceptance Test: Scenario Testing
Email Marketing Tips
Effective Email Marketing – Create a Call to Action
Isn't email marketing just a nice word for SPAM?
It's not just a newsletter! It's direct email marketing!
Oh no! I sent out my email newsletter and now my ISP thinks I'm a spammer!
Opt-in, Opt-out and what you need to know about CAN-SPAM.
What are multipart email messages?
What email marketing tool should I use?
Internet Marketing Tips
What is SEO?
Creating your Internet Marketing Plan: What do you want to tell your customers?
Creating your Internet Marketing Plan: How much will it cost?
Creating your Internet Marketing Plan: What do you want to accomplish?
Creating your Internet Marketing Plan: When will you take action?
Creating your Internet Marketing Plan: Where will your customers see you?
Creating your Internet Marketing Plan: Who is your perfect customer.
Don't be afraid! It's just an Internet Marketing Plan
What is an Internet Marketing company?
Web Application Development Tips
How are web applications structured?
How can I learn more about web application development?
What are web applications?
What is the future of application development?
Who uses web applications?
Using cookies
Properly Comment your code
Error handling in asp
Stored Procedures
Using cookies
Properly Comment your code
Error handling in asp
Stored Procedures
Web Design and Development Tips
Good use of color
It's All About Content
Maintain your Content
Maintain your Content: Add Content All the Time
Maintain your Content: Fix Broken Links
Maintain your Content: Keep your home page fresh!
Maintain your Content: Toss the Old!
Tips for Writing Web Content – Keep it Simple!
What expertise will a web copywriter have?
What is User Acceptance (Usability) Testing?
Why Hire a Web Copywriter
Why Hire a Web Copywriter: Hot Spots for Content
Why Hire a Web Copywriter: Step Away from Your Content
Why Hire a Web Copywriter: Use an Informative Voice.
Writing Good Web Content: Bite-sized Bulleted Bits
Writing Good Web Content: Important Info First!
Writing Good Web Content: Meaningful Headlines
Writing Good Web Content: Short Pages and Paragraphs
Web Development Tips
Basic Website Development: Tools of the Trade
Call a meeting. Get together with potential vendors.
Defining the budget for your website project
Defining the schedule for your website development project
Defining the scope of your website development project
Defining the technical requirements
Getting Started: Create a Site Specification
Hiring it out: How to select vendor(s) for your website project.
Personal Websites: Create a weblog!
Personal Websites: Getting Started for Cheap or Free
Personal Websites: Using pre-packaged HTML Templates
Tools You Can Use: Color Selection
Tools You Can Use: CSS Generators
Tools You Can Use: Great Resources for Web Developers
Tools You Can Use: HTML Checker
Tools You Can Use: Layout Generators
Tools You Can Use: View Source
Types of websites: Information Resource
Types of websites: Showcase
User Acceptance Test: Card Sort
Using a photo album service
Using free logo design services
What is an HTML Editor?
What is an Image Editor?
What is FTP software?
Why Comply? The Benefits of Coding to Industry Standard
What is a web development firm?
Web Services Tips
What are the disadvantages to web services?
What are Web Services?
What standards are used in web services development?
Why are web services the new next big thing?
Web Development Newsletter Archive
Why are web services the new next big thing?
What standards are used in web services development?
What are Web Services?
Tools You Can Use: Layout Generators
Isn't email marketing just a nice word for SPAM?
Effective Email Marketing – Create a Call to Action
Tools You Can Use: Color Selection
Personal Websites: Using pre-packaged HTML Templates
Personal Websites: Getting Started for Cheap or Free
Personal Websites: Create a weblog!
Hiring it out: How to select vendor(s) for your website project.
Getting Started: Create a Site Specification
Defining the technical requirements
Defining the scope of your website development project
Defining the schedule for your website development project
Defining the budget for your website project
Call a meeting. Get together with potential vendors.
Writing Good Web Content: Important Info First!
Why Hire a Web Copywriter: Use an Informative Voice.
Why Hire a Web Copywriter: Hot Spots for Content
Why Hire a Web Copywriter
What is User Acceptance (Usability) Testing?
Maintain your Content: Toss the Old!
Maintain your Content: Keep your home page fresh!
Tools You Can Use: CSS Generators
Common Website programming languages
What is a web development firm?
What email marketing tool should I use?
The Downside of Content Management
Good use of color
Don't clutter your page
Using cookies
Close those objects!
Stored Procedures
Error handling in asp
Properly Comment your code
Simple Content Management
Using cookies
Close those objects!
Stored Procedures
Error handling in asp
Properly Comment your code
Simple Content Management
What is the future of application development?
What are multipart email messages?
Opt-in, Opt-out and what you need to know about CAN-SPAM.
Oh no! I sent out my email newsletter and now my ISP thinks I'm a spammer!
It's not just a newsletter! It's direct email marketing!
User Acceptance Test: Scenario Testing
Types of websites: E-Commerce
Types of websites: Personal Diary
Types of websites: Community
The pros and cons of hiring freelance
Finding website developers and designers. The web is your friend.
Defining the design requirements for your website development project
Defining Design Requirements: What do you like?
The Benefits of Content Management: Keep it in One Place
Taking Content Management Further
Extending your CMS: Syndicated Content
Extending your CMS: Personalize Their Experience
Extending your CMS: Go Global!
Extending your CMS: Don't Fear the Redesign
What are Include files?
What are Active Server Pages?
How do ASP pages work?
Why Comply? The Benefits of Coding to Industry Standard
What is FTP software?
What is an Image Editor?
What is an HTML Editor?
Using a photo album service
User Acceptance Test: Card Sort
Types of websites: Showcase
Tools You Can Use: View Source
Tools You Can Use: Great Resources for Web Developers
Writing Good Web Content: Short Pages and Paragraphs
Maintain your Content: Fix Broken Links
Maintain your Content: Add Content All the Time
Maintain your Content
How can I learn more about web application development?
What is an Internet Marketing company?
Don't be afraid! It's just an Internet Marketing Plan
Creating your Internet Marketing Plan: Who is your perfect customer.
Creating your Internet Marketing Plan: Where will your customers see you?
It's All About Content
Who uses web applications?
Writing Good Web Content: Meaningful Headlines
Why are web services the new next big thing?
What standards are used in web services development?
What are Web Services?
Tools You Can Use: Layout Generators
Isn’t email marketing just a nice word for SPAM?
Effective Email Marketing – Create a Call to Action
Tools You Can Use: Color Selection
Personal Websites: Using pre-packaged HTML Templates
Personal Websites: Getting Started for Cheap or Free
Personal Websites: Create a weblog!
Hiring it out: How to select vendor(s) for your website project.
Getting Started: Create a Site Specification
Defining the technical requirements
Defining the scope of your website development project
Defining the schedule for your website development project
Defining the budget for your website project
Call a meeting. Get together with potential vendors.
Writing Good Web Content: Important Info First!
Why Hire a Web Copywriter: Use an Informative Voice.
Why Hire a Web Copywriter: Hot Spots for Content
Why Hire a Web Copywriter
What is User Acceptance (Usability) Testing?
Maintain your Content: Toss the Old!
Maintain your Content: Keep your home page fresh!
Tools You Can Use: CSS Generators
Common Website programming languages
What is a web development firm?
What email marketing tool should I use?
The Downside of Content Management
Web Development Frequently Asked Questions
What are the common web programming languages?
How do I use asp to populate forms?
How do ASP pages work?
What are active server pages?
What are include files?
How can CMS make my redesign less arduous?
Can CMS assist me in launching a global website?
How do I deliver personalized web pages to my customers?
What is CMS Syndication?
How can I make my search engine results more user-friendly?
How can I extend the value of my content management system?
What is CMS Workflow?
What is a content repository?
How do I distribute the workload my website requires?
Why use templates?
What is version control?
What are the cons of content management?
what is content management?
How do I decide what my web page should look like?
How do I create a website using my companys brand?
How do I create a site specification?
Should I use animation on my webpage?
How do I find web developers and designers?
How do I find a website development company?
How do I choose a graphical style?
What are the pros and cons of hiring a freelancer?
What is a Community website?
What is a personal diary site or weblog?
why should I hire a web designer?
How do I integrate my CMS with other web applications?
What is an ecommerce site?
What is Scenario testing?
What is a web development firm
What is a call to action?
Isn’t email marketing just a nice word for SPAM?
What is email marketing?
How did I get banned by my ISP?
What is opt-in, opt-out and CAN-SPAM?
What are multipart email messages?
What email marketing tool should I use?
How do I define my email marketing budget?
How do I create an email marketing plan?
What is the message of my email marketing campaign?
What is the action plan for my email marketing campaing?
What are my target vehicles for my email marketing campaign?
Who is my preferred customer?
What is an internet marketing plan?
What is an internet marketing company?
How are web applications structured?
How can I learn more about web application development?
What are web applications?
What is the future of application development?
Who uses web applications?
What is the importance of content in web site development?
How do I keep my content updated?
How do I keep my content fresh?
How do I avoid broken links?
How important is my home page content?
How do I remove my outdated content using CMS?
How do I write for the web?
What expertise will a web copywriter have?
What is usability testing?
Why should I hire a web copywriter?
What content is the most important on my web page?
How do I write web content for my company?
What is the 'informative' voice in writing for the web?
Why should I use bullets on my webpage?
Where should my most important information be placed on my webpage?
Are headlines important?
How long should my web pages be?
What are some tools of the trade for web development?
Do I need to meet with my website developers face to face?
How do I define my budget for my website project?
What is the schedule for my web project?
what is the scope of my website project?
How do I define technical requirements for my website?
What is a site specification?
How do I select vendors for my website project?
Why create a weblog?
How do I create a website for cheap or free?
Why should I use pre-packaged HTML templates?
What are color selection tools?
What are CSS Generators?
What are tools that web developers use?
Why use an HTML Checker?
How do I create an HTML layout?
What is View Source?
What is an Information Resource website?
What is a showcase website?
What is a card sort?
Why use a photo album service?
Why use free logo design services?
What is an HTML editor?
What is an image editor?
What is FTP Software?
Why should I code to industry standards?
What are the disadvantages to web services?
What are Web Services?
What standards are used in web services development?
Why are web services the new next big thing?
How can I manage my content without using a CMS or database?
How can I easily change formatting across my entire website?
Do I need to comment code?
How do I handle errors in asp?
What can I do to simplify my dynamic web pages?
How can I improve code readability.
Do I need to do cleanup for instantiated objects?
How can I save my variable information in cookies for later retrieval?
Is my website too busy?
What color combinations should I use on my website?
What do I need to know about SEO?

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Guru Spotlight
Susan Sayour